Central Park, Wow is all I can say. I climbed up on some rocks to take this picture. I can only imagine what this view would be like in the spring or fall. The park was full of horse drawn carriages it was beautiful. We stopped at a street vendor for some hot coco to warm us up. The next stop was the Metropolitan Art Museum sorry no pictures. The works of art that we were able to view in the short time we were there were beautiful. We really went in to warm up and rest our feet.

It was starting to get late in the day and we had a date with The Lady in the Harbor so we moved on. We hailed a cab instead of walking to Battery Park because it was starting to get dark. We drove past the site of the World Trade Center and I got a chill. I can’t imagine what Jut and G felt, they were in the City just blocks from there when 9-11 happened. I’m sure those who gave their lives will never be forgotten.

When we arrived in Battery Park my eyes for the first time gazed upon the Statue of Liberty I felt very emotional. It stands tall in the harbor with it’s Light shining bright for all to see. To some it represents an invitation. To others be warned, it represents our Strength. To me it represents the essence of the American people united in our quest for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Our Dreams.


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